If you want to make money with forex, in a professional way, here we have the option for you to invest in FOREX3R, in a completely formalized and legal system, which are by the accounts MAM. FOREX3R, in addition to offering a risk calculation system, also offers three types of investments.
The three investments are differentiated. Through internal administration, FOREX3R has developed three effective methods. These methods have three pillars that boil down to strategy, administration and management. And they are classified as level-1,level-2 e level-3,
FOREX3R offers investment on a minimum amount investment amount. This minimum and maximum value can be individual or group. The minimum amount is US$5000.00.
The customer simply needs to make the request to enter into an investment, which is in the customer/investment area, and FOREX3R will return to the customer via the registered email, providing the next procedures.
When placing the order, you will inform the type of investment and deposit requirements.
If you want to invest, but the amount does not reach the minimum investment amount, a group is formed. That when FOREX3R has a number of clients who are in the same scenario and the desired values of these customers is equal to or greater than the minimum deposit amount, FOREX3R contacts these customers via registered email, continuing the group investment process. Passing all the guidelines.
MAM stands for Mult Account Manager, consists of software that allows a professional trader to execute operations on multiple trading accounts through a single account, called "master account". The main account reflects the sum of capital invested by all clients under the management of the main account, but each account is independent of each other, and are operated by a professional trader or fund manager prior to authorization signed by both parties.
This manager only has access to operations on the client's account, but not on the client's funds. Where only the customer has the power to legally deposit or withdraw funds from their account.
Investor accounts within MAM can be personal, joint or business accounts that are segregated and independent of the MAM account..
The investor has control over his money and can monitor all transactions carried out on his account. The fund manager is only allowed to operate the account, and not You can withdraw money from it.
We are currently only making MAM accounts available at 2 brokers, due to the internal administration of the methods proposed to clients. These brokers have all the necessary records in compliance with your country. These are brokers selected very selectively by FOREX3R.
If you want to open a real account in one of them, whether for trading or investing, click on one of the links below:
It was developed for those who want to have a profit margin with very low risk.
It was developed for those who already have experience with FOREX3R or for those who want greater gains. The risk margin is also low, not as much as the BEGINNER, but within the standards of FOREX3R risk management.
It is for those who have greater experience with FOREX3R, or for those who aim to achieve greater gains. This mode follows a unique management and administrative process. If you are interested in ADVANCED investment, place the order in the area of the client/investment, which will be sent to your registered email, all the business rules.